Friday, 22 July 2016

The Night Before The Interview

The night before a job interview can bring as much apprehension as it does excitement but if you have prepared properly there is no need to fall victim to nerves or a last minute attack of self-doubt. Remember, this is the position you wished to find yourself in: to have been selected from the many applicants and CV’sand now you will have the opportunity to speak further for yourself and to expand upon the experience and skills that your prospective employer has already noticed.
Presuming all of the preparatory work has been done, such as researching the organisation and possible questions and responses, there are practical and potentially calming tasks you can carry out in order to compliment your mental preparedness.
For example, deciding what to wear and having your selection ready the night before will create confidence and extra time on the morning of the interview. This will also allow you to begin the day with a sense of control. Such a seemingly small detail is often overlooked but it can help calibrate your mindset for the interview ahead.
Another practical tip which can eliminate unexpected hitches is planning your route to the location of the interview itself. Being aware of a second alternative route in case of bad traffic will allow you the certainty of knowing you will be on time.

Practical tips

Perhaps one of the most important practical tips for the night before the interview is to make sure you allow yourself a proper night’s sleep. There are some practical steps you can take to maximise the chances of being well rested and clear headed when the morning arrives. A walk or exercise the night before can help the body rest. If you find relaxing music helpful then perhaps listening to a favourite album before bed can assist this process. Try to eliminate or reduce any kind of screen-time in the hours before you sleep as this can often excite the brain and delay the instigation of the sleep process Go to bed at your usual time and feel confident that you have everything under control.  And good luck!

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